Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


"Like You've Never Seen Him Before"

Forget everything you think you know about Michael Jackson. Forget the scandals, the surgeries, the rumors, the mysteries. Just let it all go and admit that Michael Jackson was the greatest entertainer in the history of mankind. I went to see this movie as a non-Michael Jackson fan with absolutely no expectations. Terus terang saya bukan fans MJ, tapi saya tahu lagu-lagunya, tahu seberapa terkenalnya dia, dan tahu betapa banyak penggemarnya yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok dunia. He is a legend, don't ask me why. This Is It menurut saya berhasil memuaskan para fans maupun non-fans MJ untuk terakhir kalinya. Dari awal film sampai akhir kita disuguhkan lagu-lagu dan tarian yang bergitu mempesona, diselingi wawancara orang-orang yang terlibat dalam pembuatan konser ini. The song, the dance, the perfomance was AWESOME! I was completely blown away and entertained from beginning to end. His voice and his dance moves are top form and timeless. A consummate artist, a perfectionist, and a visionary. The film is overflowed with his energy, passion, and dedication. Sedih juga yaa MJ udah ga ada lagi, entah kapan ada orang yang bisa sehebat dia. Saya rasa mungkin ga akan ada yang bisa menandingi pesona MJ, suaranya, tariannya, sensasi kehidupannya, dll. Dengan melihat film ini kita jadi tahu kenapa MJ bisa seterkenal sekarang, dia sangat amat perfeksionis. Dia benar-benar tau apa yang dia mau. Hebat! There was so much creativity, sweetness, professionalism, understanding, effort, energy in this film. The professionalism and patience of Kenny Ortega (the producer) was outstanding, he was perfect for this whole production, the cast was phenomenal (especially all the dancers and that female guitarist, she rocks!), MJ was awesome. Come on! 50 years old and dancing, singing like that? Absolutely amazing. This is a must-see for every MJ fan and even non-fans to understand why he was so popular and deserved every bit of the title King of the Pop. He did really give us a final precious work, "this is it"...

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